
Support The Friends of Gresham Japanese Garden

Commonly known as just Gresham Japanese Garden, a non-profit, volunteer-based organization. All maintenance is performed by volunteers and all financial support is tax deductible. Please see below ways to make the gem of the city a sustainable Japanese Garden for all.


Want to get your hands dirty? We offer a myriad of opportunities to play in the dirt, prune, help in the greenhouse and shade house, and cultural events.

Stop by Saturday’s 9am – noon and spend time outside with like-minded individuals. We also conduct quarterly volunteer orientation meetings. Drop an email to if you’re interested in learning more.

Ways to Support the Japanese Garden

Touchstone Commemorative Pavers

Endowment through Gresham Japanese Garden

An endowment has been established with Edward Jones and Dino Rocha as of February 2017. This program will allow for the accumulation of funds that will eventually be used when our current volunteer administration is no longer available to oversee the fostering of our garden treasure.

To assure that the endowment would always be applicable we have joined forces with the City of Gresham to assure that the land will be respected as a garden for the community. A joint use agreement and understanding been establish and recognized by the Mayor and City Council.

In the future those funds will assist in the support of the garden maintenance by affording knowledgeable individuals who understand cultural aspects, plantings, training, and maintenance of the structures such as the bridge, azumaya and fences.

If at sometime in the far future the Japanese Garden cannot be maintained on this property, the endowment will be used to relocate the existing garden to another location. Likewise at some time that the Gesham Ebetsu Sister City Association (GESCA) fails to exist as overseers of the funds the 501c3 will revise the mission statement to focus on the garden and its programs or the endowment will be awarded to another non-profit that will oversee instruction on the endowments’ use.

Contact Dino Rocha at


JACLJapanese American Citizens League
Gresham | Troutdale


Mailing Address

Gresham Japanese Garden
713 SW 4th Street
Gresham, OR 97080